I've heard such things as:
Fortune Favors the Bold
The best way to predict the future is to invent it
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is Given us.
And I think to myself:
Holy nilly, I'm doing this!
The Bold part most notably.
There is an air about these times on planet Earth that makes me feel compelled to Act like the world was going to end.
Not in a grim dark way.
In a way that’s like F*ing Go for it!
Not letting Fear and that timid Mousey energy take the passengers side in my car of life.
So lately, I dropped that passenger on the side of the road and invited in
Colorful Courage to be my Wingwoman… We grabbed hands with a Pulse of Purpose, a white-knuckled Grip of Gumption, because we were onto Something MASSIVE
So in real time, today I was up at 4:30am, was like "Smeeeehhhh I'm tired, Imma go back to bed."
I laid down for a minute, then a new cool assured voice that's becoming more and more of me said:
"Yo, what would Awesome person do?"
With that, I rolled out of the warm bed onto my sturdy feet, brewed some high vibes matte in a rose and gold cheetah mug, meditated and listened to the howling winds, suited up into a bright pink 80's workout jumpsuit, packed healthy Ninja snacks,
sparked up the disco lights on my bike, asked the Angels to protect my ride, then….
Zzzzoooommzzzeeeee I was off.
On the dark road illuminated by my lights, the moon, and courage of conviction that I'd reach my destination and push harder than I had before.
Astronomical twilight my quite new friend.
The egrets and cute lil birdies up before dawn, boinging up and down on the inlets water.
The wind was monstrously powerful, pushing me in the front, but I continued to charge.
"Ah shnitzles, this isn't gonna be an easy one!
Then those reminders from awesome folks kept me going:
Are you playing on the court of life or sitting in the bleachers?
Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, till you find your dream.
To see the world, things dangerous to come, to see behind walls, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.
Always a fan of quotes from people who just say it how I feel it, with the perfect words.
My bike "pinky pie" full of delight as we reached the flat turn that overlooked the island of Angels and the White City that still had on its night lights.
Simultaneously that periwinkle dawn color started to shift the vibes to "It's about to be morning”
This is the glide before the climb.
Up up up.
Up UP up.
Huff huff huff.
“Ooooo the beginning of sherbet sunrise is poking through the clouds!"
Up up up.
Push harder.
Wow, my legs are on fire.
Give up? No way.
Done that many times in my life, but that ain’t me no mo.
The apex.
The final ascension.
Clouds lightening.
Sweat dripping.
One more left Zigzag crossover, then
The Bridge of Gold expands her arms and I dance on my bike. I freakin made it.
Then the cherry on top of it all. Crossing while watching the sun fully emerge from the mountains tips, so vibrant and tangerine liquid that my eyes smile in wonderment.
I Pause in the middle, wrap my hand around the sturdy bridge’s red-esk fortified wire ropes and feel her heartbeat. The merging of man and metal, woman and steel.
Then I continue and cross the bridge fully, taking in the glory, along with the few special early early risers- biking and running in a cadence that is exquisite and exact. Like gazelle’s on a mission to save the world. These humans have a secret inside
and it keeps me coming back for more.
Then back from whence I came, after I give myself a hype talk of "heck ya, you did it. I'm so freakin grateful! Dude how is this real? It’s so gorgeous!” And Yes, I now say this out loud regardless of who passes by.
I pump pump pedal to music as I journey back. Saying Adios to the city of art and vision, and welcoming in views of rolling green headlands and smells of the redwood’s wisdom, becoming me back.
Filled to the brim, I scan IT ALL, feel IT ALL and I become Intoxicated with this way of starting the day.
Other words float by capturing my feelings:
If you want to view paradise, simple look around and view it.
Zipaaadeedoodah Zipaaadeeeday, my oh my what a wonderful day.
The victory slide down the mountain, floating in a trance of the Stoke.
More wildlife up now as I pass the inlet of grass and the breathing kings tide. The periwinkle skies now a light light light yellow. A few more joggers fill the Path, a few more cars join the dance on the freeway. I hum still. I peddle and do the final uphill push until I reach the front door.
Laughter and "Good Mornings" from the Ones I Love Most
I put down my holographic backpack, take off my helmet, and my best bud runs into my arms for a hug
A morning of perfection
If the world were to end, I'm damn happy I got up and didn't fall back asleep
I'm happy I wore neon instead of black
I'm happy I saw the stars and dawn at the same time
I'm happy I persisted when I could scarcely breath
I'm happy I stopped making excuses for why I wasn't the person I wanted to be
I’m happy I executed the mission of who I was Born to Be
I'm happy I made the call and calls on my own life
I'm happy I cried when I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the pinnacle
I’m happy I kept going to new places and didn't get stuck in comfort
I'm happy I smiled at passer-byes even if they didn’t smile back
I’m happy that one biker smiled so big back at me- that changed the course of my day for the brighter
I'm happy my body was on fire- it reminds me to be a Phoenix
I'm happy that I chose Courage to be my buddy along the ride
I’m happy that I'm happy even if I'm not fully happy happy
I'm happy that I have the ones who support me to be great
I'm happy I’ve let go of those who don't
I'm happy that I’m grateful
I'm grateful that I’m happy
I think to myself:
"Ya that’s what an Awesome person would have done today.”
Nailed it